Freitag, 7. Januar 2011

witch gibberish

some years the night......i went for a walk .....with my old buddy......cujo, the dog

at this time my heart was broken........and I was drowning in self pity.......tears have been my constant companions....

after a while i saw something black in the distance.......i went to get closer....

it was a dead male cat.......the small body smashed.......only his cute head was uninjured....

I knelt down beside the cat, stroking his head and my tears fell on his silken fur......and the voice in my head said to me.........."what would you do to make him alive again".......

what can i can i give the cat a tenth life....... 

"the cat will live....but you´ll lose the love of your life....forever........he will not come back....."

that´s the trouble with these fucking voices.......quid pro quo.......

and  i decided for the my thoughts....

i went away.......and when i turned around.......the dead body was gone.....

two days later my kitty got her babies.......and there he was......the black male cat.....

eight years last his tenth life......and he shared them with me......

but my big love.......i never saw again.....